TechEd 2008

O TechEd está chegando aí (14 a 16/10) e contará com a presença de ninguém mais ninguém menos que Steve (Developers! Developers! Developers!) Balmer.

Os preparativos já estão a toda. Este ano estarei ministrando duas palestras:

  1. DEV301 – 300- 14/10/2008 14:00 – 15:15 – Sala 2 Melhores Práticas com a Linguagem C# 3.0
  2. WEB301 – 300 – 15/10/2008 09:15 – 10:30 – Sala 7 Internet Explorer 8 Para Desenvolvedores (junto com Miguel Ferreira)

Na palestra “Melhores Práticas com a Linguagem C# 3.0”, eu vou demonstrar os recursos que a linguagem ganhou na versão 3.0 e a melhor forma de usá-los. Também pretendo abordar os principais erros e gotchas que tenho encontrado por aí ao desenvolver o meu código e revisar código dos outros.

Na palestra “Internet Explorer 8 Para Desenvolvedores” eu e o Miguel Ferreira (PM do Windows) vamos mostrar o que o IE8 está trazendo de novidade para os desenvolvedores.

Além disto, estarei respondendo a perguntas no Ask The Experts. Para quem nunca participou de uma sessão destas, é uma chance de ter as suas dúvidas respondidas ali ao vivo e a cores. Imagina como um Fórum MSDN tête-à-tête. Imperdível!

Object creation with generics

Last week I was reviewing some code when I came across something that looked like.

class TypeTranslator<TOrigin, TDestination> {
    public TDestination Convert(TOrigin value) {
        Type typeOfTo = typeof(TDestination);
        TDestination to = (TDestination)typeOfTo.InvokeMember(null, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, null, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

        // goes on and copies the contents of each property from the TFrom object instance to the TTo object instance
        return to;


The idea is to translate entity types to data transfer types. The class receives the origin and destination types upon instantiation and when Convert is called it creates a new instance of the destination type and populates its properties from the origin type enumerating through all its properties via reflection.

We all know that reflection is slow when compared to accessing the types and members directly, but the real problem on this code lays on the fact that it tries to instantiate a new object using a parameterless constructor, but there is no guarantee that the class has one.

It has all been working based on the convention assumed on the project that these types will all have a public parameterless constructor. What happens if a new developer comes in and unaware of the convention decides to create a constructor with parameters? The compiler seeing that there’s a constructor will not create the default parameterless constructor anymore. Since there’s nothing else checking it, it will only fail at runtime.

A runtime exception would be caught relatively early if they were using unit testing, but they aren’t using it, so it depends on trusting the developer to do the proper tests.

Well, I’m a developer, but I trust more on the compiler doing that job than on myself or whoever for that matter, so I proposed some changes:

class TypeTranslator<TOrigin, TDestination> where TDestination : new() {
    public TDestination Convert2(TOrigin value) {
        TDestination to = new TDestination();
        // goes on and copies the contents of each property from the TFrom object instance to the TTo object instance
        return to;

This way, the compiler will guarantee that the type used has a parameterless constructor. Finding issues at compile time is much cheaper than at runtime.

Yielding surprises

Last month I was working on a bug in a service I developed a couple of months ago.

The service consists of a Windows Service that coordinates an unspecified amount of secondary Windows Services that are in charge of collecting web site metrics.

Metrics collection is made at intervals specified in a configuration file. During development and stabilization I used very short time intervals from one second to one minute to stress garbage collection and resource consumption. With the intervals tested, the services were working properly.

Earlier this week, the service was being deployed and the guy in charge reported that above two and half minutes, the services stopped collecting metrics.

I did some tests with a five minutes interval and everything worked fine, but when I increased the interval to ten minutes I started to get SynchronizationLockException.

The weird part was that the exception was being thrown by the closing curly brace of a lock statement:

public IEnumerator<INavigator> GetEnumerator() {

    while (!this.disposing) {

        if (this.availableNavigators.Count == 0) {



        lock (this.availableNavigators) {

            if (this.availableNavigators.Count != 0) {

                yield return this.availableNavigators.Dequeue();


        } // The exception was being throw here.




I went on to investigate the situations in which a SynchronizationLockExceptions could be thrown only to learn that:

“The exception that is thrown when a method requires the caller to own the lock on a given Monitor, and the method is invoked by a caller that does not own that lock.

SynchronizationLockException is thrown by calling the Exit, Pulse, PulseAll, and Wait methods of the Monitor class from an unsynchronized block of code.”

Putting it another way: The thread that calls Monitor.Exit has to be the same that called Monitor.Enter in the first place.

Well… What does this has to do with our case? Being a smart reader as you are, you may already know that a lock statement gets translated into calls to Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit by the C# compiler. From the C# spec:

“A lock statement of the form

lock (x)

where x is an expression of a reference-type, is precisely equivalent to

try {
finally {

except that x is only evaluated once.”

Well… Even then the code should be running on the same thread between the Enter and the Exit.

Let’s take another look to our code – this time with calls to Monitor instead of using lock directly.

public IEnumerator<INavigator> GetEnumerator() {

    while (!this.disposing) {

        if (this.availableNavigators.Count == 0) {



        object localReference = this.availableNavigators;


        try {

            if (this.availableNavigators.Count != 0) {

                yield return this.availableNavigators.Dequeue();



        finally {






This code transformation ringed a bell. Besides lock, “yield return” also gets translated into a set of other instructions. The generated code is indeed much more sophisticated than the lock case since it involves generating a state machine for managing the return point during subsequent calls of the method.

If you haven’t had a chance to use yield return or even study it, it’s a very interesting construct that permits you return a value and the next time you enter the method, code starts executing at the line immediately after the last line executed the last time you were in the method (the yield return line).

Under the covers, the C# compiler creates a new class that implements a state machine that keeps track of the line to be executed the next time the code enters the method.

So in our example, the code exits the method before passing through Monitor.Exit (it’s already starting to smell bad), but when coming back it is still the same thread. Or isn’t it?

Looking through the stack I find that this code is being called by a System.Threading.Timer which uses the thread pool to do its work.

Now a little parenthesis about threads and the thread pool: When you need to do work asynchronously it’s common to spawn a thread to do the work and eventually get the results later.

Creating thread is an expensive operation. You have to create kernel objects, allocate some space for the stack and some other stuff so it has become widespread use creating threads and instead of destroying it after it completes its job, we return it to a thread pool so it can be used later for accomplishing another task.

The .Net’s thread pool is smart enough to create new threads when needed and also to destroy them when they are no longer needed.

When you have little bursts of work at small intervals between them, the chances are that each job will be accomplished by the same thread.

On the other hand, if there is a long interval between job batches, the chances are that the thread becomes idle for too long and then the CLR gets rid of it.

So what was happening in this case was that once somebody configured a long enough interval the code was being executed by another thread causing a SynchronizationLockException to be thrown.

To get rid of the exception, I had to move the “yield return” out of the lock block so the code became like:

public IEnumerator<INavigator> GetEnumerator() {

    while (!this.disposing) {

        INavigator navigator = null;

        if (this.availableNavigators.Count == 0) {



        lock (this.availableNavigators) {

            if (this.availableNavigators.Count != 0) {

                navigator = this.availableNavigators.Dequeue();



  yield return navigator;




The lesson to be learned is that “yield return” should be used cautiously, even more when used inside constructs that get translated into other code as is the case with “lock” and “using” since the result may not be exactly what we are expecting.